Freecad extrude part of a sketch
Freecad extrude part of a sketch

We can not manipulate the height of a Pad from a Sketch with the mouse like in that video but you do not need a Sketch to extrude a face of a part, just select it with the Draft Trimex tool and go. Is seems that in that video, he is using different terminology for what we do with Sketches. Now, if you actually had that Sketch on a face of a Part, all you would need to do is Pad it. If you absolutely need to Pad with multiple distinct shapes, you can use the Part Workbench and Extrude the Sketch. Although Sketcher by itself is ok with this concept the Part Design Workbench is conceptualized around designing a single part. At that point you can either Snap it to a reference on your model or enter the height of the extrude in the dialog. The Sketch cannot result in two items distinct in the model space. To use it, goto the Draft Workbench and set your working plane to View, select the face you wish to extrude, then invoke the Trimex tool and mouse the extrude in the direction you wish it to go. It is the Draft Trimex tool, another Draft tool that I think should have a Part Workbench version of. I want to make a simple bottle cap, I use a sketch to draw 2 concentric circles and I want to extrude external circle 15 mm and internal 5 mm.


So to answer your question, yes, there is a tool to do that. How to extrude different sections of same sketch freecad Hello I am trying to replace Fusion360 with freecad and I am stuck on something I consider very simple. Mapping a sketch to a face gives us the ability to give an un-attached sketch a mapping to orient the Sketch, or to Re-Map a sketch that is connected to the wrong Face. That's not extruding a face from a "Sketch", that is extruding a face from a 3D object, solid, or shell, didn't bother to look and see what. In sketch based modelling, sketches are attached, or placed on the face to which they will ad or subtract the feature the sketch is modeling. You can also mount a new sketch to a planar face of a solid and then use external geometry, and then Pad that new sketch. You can use a Draft Workbench "face binder" and extrude that. Part Extrude can extrude any object that has a Part geometry (OpenCASCADE shape), except for solids and CompSolids. You can select a face of a solid created from a sketch.

freecad extrude part of a sketch

There are no faces in a sketch, just edges/wires. Jmaustpc wrote:I don't know exactly what you want to achieve, perhaps with more specific information we could help in some way.

Freecad extrude part of a sketch